List of accepted contributions (in order of submission)
- Lawrence Peter Belluce, Antonio Di Nola and Giacomo Lenzi. Diophantine Algebraic Geometry for MV-Algebras.
- Nicola Galesi and Ilario Bonacina. Space Complexity in Algebraic proof Systems
- Luca Bellotti. Von Neumann's consistency proof
- Umberto Grandi, Davide Grossi and Paolo Turrini. Pre-Vote Negotiations and Binary Voting with Constraints
- Eugenio Moggi. Categories for Collection Types
- Maria Emilia Maietti, Samuele Maschio and Takako Nemoto. A Kleene realizability model for the Minimalist Foundation
- Matteo Viale. Category forcings and generic absoluteness: steps towards a “complete" axiom system for set theory
- Emanuele Frittaion. Reverse mathematics and well-scattered partial orders
- Mauro Di Nasso. Applications of nonstandard analysis in combinatorics of numbers
- Jan von Plato. Choice sequences in proof theory
- Miriam Franchella. Logic according to Brouwer; logic according to Nietzsche
- Vincenzo Dimonte. Very Large Cardinals and Combinatorics
- Alberto Marcone. From WQOs to Noetherian spaces: some reverse mathematics results
- Lorenzo Luperi Baglini. Nonstandard Techniques in Combinatorial Number Theory
- Antongiulio Fornasiero. Homotopy theory in definably complete structures
- Francesca Poggiolesi. An alternative proof-theoretical approach to standard conditional logics
- Paola D'Aquino, Angus Macintyre and Giuseppina Terzo. Zero sets of exponential polynomials
- Vincenzo Marra, Daniel McNeill and Andrea Pedrini. The space of directions of a polyhedron
- Vincenzo Marra, Daniel Mcneill and Andrea Pedrini. Interpreting Lukasiewicz logic into Intuitionistic logic
- Nathanaël Mariaule. p-adic numbers, exponential ring and decidability
- Sonia L'Innocente. Rings of definable scalars of some $sl_3(\mathbb{C})$-modules
- Luca Motto Ros. The Hurewicz dichotomy for generalized Baire spaces
- Enrico Moriconi. Early Structural Reasoning. Gentzen 1932.
- Olivia Caramello and Anna Carla Russo. The Morita-equivalence between MV-algebras and abelian l-groups with strong unit
- Luca Spada. Dualities and geometry
- Claudia Casadio and Michele V. Abrusci. A geometrical representation of the basic laws of Categorial Grammar
- Roberto Maieli. Construction of Transitory Nets
- Tommaso Flaminio, Lluis Godo and Hykel Hosni. La struttura logica della nozione di evento secondo de Finetti
- Hector Freytes. Physical properties as modal operators in the intuitionistic approach to quantum mechanics
- Tamara Servi. Quantifier Elimination for generalised quasianalytic classes
- Riccardo Bruni and Giacomo Sillari. Logic and strategic rationality: a revision–theoretic perspective
- Giorgio Audrito. Absoluteness via resurrection
- Sara Negri. On proofs and countermodels
- Andrea Strollo. Non standard truths. Toward a model-theoretic taxonomy of (conservative) axiomatic theories of truth
- Matteo Pascucci. Defining necessity from contingency: a case study in tense logic
- Giulia Battilotti. Simmetry in sequent calculus from quantum computation
- Paolo Lipparini. Weak and local versions of measurability
- Serafina Lapenta. An extention to the notion of MV-algebras: f MV-algebras
- Paolo Pistone. Rules, types and the transcendence of second order logic
- Riccardo Camerlo. Epimorphisms between linear orders
- Angelo Montanari, Marco Pazzaglia and Pietro Sala. Interval Temporal Logics and Equivalence Relations
- Antonino Drago. Which foundation for intuitionistic logic?
- Peter Schuster. Controesempi minimali e logica minimale
- Vincenzo Mantova. Raising to powers on the unit circle
- Giulio Guerrieri and Lorenzo Tortora De Falco. Injectivity of relational semantics with respect to MELL
proof-nets and the Taylor expansion - Luca San Mauro. "Chi beve molto ha una bella pelle": sul ruolo della logica nei concorsi pubblici
- Francesco Ciraulo. Closed subspaces in pointfree Topology
- Domenico Cantone, Marianna Nicolosi Asmundo and Ewa Orlowska. A relational dual tableau procedure to decide some fragments of logic of relations
- Filippo Calderoni. Forcing e gruppi liberabili
- Gemma Carotenuto. On the complexity of $\mathcal{T}-$regular sets
- Eugenio Orlandelli. Proof Theory of Quantified Modal Logics
- Daisuke Ikegami. Large cardinals, forcing axioms, and the theory of subsets of omega_1.
- Laura Crosilla. Epistemological Constructivism
- Giulio Pellitta and Ugo Dal Lago. Complexity Analysis in Presence of Control Operators and Higher-Order Functions
- Giorgio Laguzzi. Regularity properties and tree forcings